Wednesday, January 31, 2024

सामान्यता को विजय

विश्व विचारको कमीमा छ। यस संसारको जटिल गतिशील प्रणालीहरू उल्टाउन मिल्दैन -- समस्या समाधान गर्न नयाँ विचार आउन आवश्यक छ। पुराना विचारहरू ले दिशानिर्देश दिन मात्र सक्छन। यस संसारको समस्या तर्कात्मकताको कमी होइन (हामी पहिले भन्दा धेरै तर्कनिष्ठ छौं): यो तर्कात्मकता मा विश्वासको कमी हो। 

विज्ञान संग, तर्कात्मकताले धेरै समस्याहरू समाधान गर्छ भन्ने अपेक्षा थियो। विशेषगरी युरोपमा मानव जीवनबाट धर्म बिस्तारै लोप हुँदै गयो।  यसलाई त्यसबेला एउटा सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण ले हेरियो।  

तर, यसले तर्कात्मकतामा को अर्थ के हो त्यस क्षेत्रमा अनावश्यक हठधर्मिता ल्यायो। तर्कात्मकता एकल उपाय होइन, यो रैखिक छ र अनगिन्ती मानव समस्याहरू हल गर्दैन। समय साथै, दर्शन संगठित प्रचार मा बदलियो, र कसैले समस्याहरूका लागि कुनै व्यावहारिक समाधान प्रस्तुत गर्न सकेन । समाज अनन्त युद्धको चरणमा प्रवेश गर्यो ।  

"अन्य" सँग युद्ध ले उत्तरआधुनिक जीवनलाई केही अर्थ दिन्छ र व्यक्तिलाई छद्म-दार्शनिक खोज प्रदान गर्दछ। वास्तवमा केहि नगर्दा पनि केहि गरि राखेको छु भन्ने सोचले नै मानिसलाई निराशाजनक शून्यवादबाट टाढा राख्छ।  तर यो विचार दिगो हुन सक्दैन।  हामी बहुमूल्यको बारेमा चर्चा गरेर आफैलाई भिन्न बनाउन भन्ने क्रममा बढेका छौं, तर हामी धेरै वेगले सामान्य र साधारिता तिर गका छौ।  

यहाँ कुनै सौन्दर्य छैन, यहाँ मनोरञ्जन छ। यहाँ कुनै बहस छैन, यहाँ संस्कृतिक युद्धहरू छन्। यहाँ कुनै सुधार छैन, यहाँ एक अवस्थाबाट अर्को अवस्थामा आवधिक जम्पहरू छन् ।  अनियमित आशा संग कि यो हिजो भन्दा राम्रो हुन्छ।  

Sunday, July 30, 2023


 There is just a minute left

for our bright sunsets

and our dark sunrises.

The soul preys on the body;

so easily.

It was just the body that wanted fun

Or whatever it is.

Stained by alcohol,

burgeoned by cigarette smells,

made flimsier by those

lonely conversations to Self.

Such nights cannot be soulful.

They are tainted by love

Of a different kind 

That does not seek respect

And does not find any. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Love in abstraction

We cannot exist like that, my dear.

We cannot exist in abstraction.

Not like this, where you

build a version of me in your mind,

and a version of you in mine.

All through the summer,

we chased the abstract ideal 

they taught you and me

in movies, in songs;

sometimes, they even appeared

in conversations with our friends.

They all want us to be together.

in abstraction.

We could fall in love that way;

spiritually, in the mind.

No bodies involved to stain its existence.

Some sort of Platonic ideal;

because we have already become

mere surreal forms.

Let us fall disingenuously in love,

and then question the source 

of our sadness,

if you think that helps.

And hope that it will hide us

from the realities we face in life.

Do  we finally realize that 

we cannot really share the same ideas;

let alone the same coordinates 

in space and time? 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Don't be carried away

Don't be carried away by news you see on the internet or television. If you are a news buff, there is a higher probability now than ever before, that you are disseminating wrong information. It is very easy to get carried away, but we are slowly becoming repositories of half-baked stories and even false information. You would like to be called a knowledgeable person, not a liar. And many of the stories in the internet are just lies.

Do I mean you need to stop sharing things from the internet  or believing in them?. The answer is 'no'. You should however, leave scope for a change in views when you find the information to have dubious sources. In other words, read, and try to believe, but do not completely believe in information that is being disseminated. 

Why is there so much misinformation? The first reason is vested interests. We form opinions about people based on what is being fed to us. We do not trust social media a lot, because we think it provides unfiltered information, and can be used to spread rumors. Similarly, we need to take mainstream media or centralized one-sided discourse with a pinch of salt because it is susceptible to manipulations by powerful lobbies.

My idea is not to spread distrust. We need to have a considerable degree of trust on institutions and established sources of information. What I mean to say is that, whenever we read something, we should use our judgment, and not emotions, rationale and not beliefs. It sounds easy on paper, but it is impossible to achieve completely, No one is a perfectly logical person, but every one can definitely try to be more scientific in their outlook. 

The alarming problem is that people tend to believe in their individual hypotheses, and create a new story out of it. It defeats the purpose of objectivity. Facts, when twisted, do not remain facts, they become lies, half truths or unverifiable propositions. While it is good to have a hypothetical construction of facts in mind, people should not shy away from rejecting them if more facts come to light. Intellectual honesty comes when you can doubt your own beliefs, can stand up to misinformation spread for decades by institutions with vested interests, and try to find a way out for the betterment of the world and its people.